17 thoughts on “Progress Update!

  1. Thank you very much for translating this big project, I’ll definitely keep watching the updates! You’re all doing an amazing job!

  2. WOW! WOW! Just WOW! You are amazing! I can’t believe this game is getting translated. Do you have any ideea how much I prayed for this? Thank you so much for all your hard work. I wish there was something I could do to help this awesome people that make our otome girlish heart happier. Good luck!

  3. Thank you sooooooo much for translating this game! I would never be able to play it otherwise because I REALLY can’t read Japanese >.<'' I LOVE YOU

  4. I agree with those above me. Please update us to how things are going. I beat the game in Japanese already, but it’d be nice to play in English, so I hope you’re not dropping it.

  5. HI!! I also agree with the people above me as well. You guys are so amazing for doing this!! PLS PLS update! I just wanted to say thank you soooo much for translating this game!! I also REALLY REALLY hope you guys aren’t dropping it. I bet you guys are doing an amazing job translating it. I’ve been wanting to play this game but I don’t speak japanesse so I was saddened but when I saw this, it brightened up my day completely!! Again, I really hope you guys finish this game in March 2014 and have an update soon!! 🙂

  6. Please update your progress so that we know you guys haven’t dropped the project. ;~; Pretty please, with sprinkles on top.

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